The behavioural blueprint for financial success

Traditionally, personal finance conversations have focused heavily on numbers, metrics, and strategies. However, Morgan Housel, in his insightful book “The Psychology of Money,” proposes a compelling argument: while acquiring wealth involves shrewd financial strategies, maintaining and growing that wealth is more about mastering your behaviours and emotions. Housel shares that acquiring and preserving wealth are […]

Who’s leaning on you?

BALANCING FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND PERSONAL BOUNDARIES For all of us, we’re often interconnected with others in ways we don’t fully realise. Family members, friends, colleagues and even acquaintances can lean on us for support, both emotionally and financially. While this support can be a beautiful expression of love and community, it can also become an […]

Are you a cog in the machine?

In the grand machinery of personal finance, we all play a role. But have you ever stopped to consider what kind of role you’re playing? Are you the one tirelessly turning the cogs, or have you become the overseer of a well-oiled financial plan? Let’s picture two scenarios: Imagine Sarah, who wakes up every morning, […]

Is your money working for you?

Either you put your money to work for you, or you will always have to work for your money. Understanding and acting on this concept can be the difference between perpetual financial strain and achieving lasting financial freedom. At its core, putting your money to work means investing in avenues that generate passive income—earnings you […]

Equipping kids with financial literacy skills

Parents have the profound responsibility and privilege of shaping their children’s relationship with money. In a world where financial literacy is often lacking, equipping our kids with the knowledge and skills to navigate their financial lives with confidence and wisdom is one of the greatest gifts we can give them. By starting early and making […]

Is all debt bad?

Debt, in its many forms, can often feel like a heavy chain that restricts financial freedom. Whether it’s the revolving cycles of credit card balances, the long-term commitment of a mortgage, or the daunting totals of student loans, each type of debt comes with its unique challenges and strategies for management. Debt is often a […]

Crafting a life rich with purpose

It’s clear that we need to rethink, revisit, and recalibrate the way in which we prepare for retirement—not only financially, but socially and emotionally as well. One of the best ways to effectively plan for the future is to start as early as possible. For some, this means laying the groundwork early in life, taking […]

How will your assets be distributed?

Estate planning is a vital process that involves preparing for the transfer of a person’s assets and responsibilities after their death. While the fundamental principles of estate planning are widely recognised, the specific laws and practices can vary significantly between different countries and cultures.  This makes it crucial for us to not only understand the […]

Financial planning mistakes to avoid

Financial planning is a lot like setting out on a journey—it requires foresight, preparation, and smart decision-making. However, amidst the hustle of daily life, it’s easy to veer off track. Here are some common financial pitfalls and how to steer clear of them: Firstly, not having clear financial goals is like driving without a destination. […]

Retirement and your healthcare needs

When most people think about retirement planning, they focus on saving enough money to maintain their lifestyle and pursue their dreams. However, there’s one critical expense that often gets overlooked: healthcare costs. As the writer and philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “The first wealth is health.” With proper planning for medical expenses, your later […]